
1. Michael C. Wimberly, Larry Janssen, David A. Hennessy, Moses Luri, Niaz M. Chowdhury, Hongli Feng (2017) Cropland Expansion and Grassland Loss in the Eastern Dakotas: New Insights from a Farm-Level Survey, Land Use Policy, Elsevier.
2. Chowdhury, N.M., 2016. Investigating Grassland and Cropland Conversion Decisions in the Dakotas, 2015 Producers Survey and Analysis. M.S. Thesis, Department of Economics, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
3. Larry Janssen, Moses Luri, Niaz M. Chowdhury, David A. Hennessy, Hongli Feng (2015), Farmland Use Decisions in the Dakota’s: Key Results from the 2015 Producer Survey, Economics Commentator, No 557,
4. Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Janssen, L; M. Luri, Md. Chowdhury, H. Feng, and D. Hennessy. 2015. Farmland Use Decisions and Grassland Conversion in the Dakotas, 2015 Producer Survey and Analysis. IN: Proceedings Issue of America’s Grassland Conference: Partnerships for Grassland Conservation, 3rd Biennial Conference, Ft. Collins, CO. Sept 29, 2015. (proceeding issue is forthcoming, a powerpoint presentation was made at the conference).
​5. Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Janssen, L.; M. Luri, Md. Chowdhury, H. Feng, and D. Hennessy. 2015. Farmland Use Decisions and Grassland Conversion in the Dakotas: Report and Analysis of 2015 Survey. Plains and Prairie Potholes LLC Monthly Science Webinar Presentation, Dec.
working Papers (Not part of Phd Dissertation)
1. Md. Mobarak Hossain, Md Niaz Murshed Chowdhury, Economic Analysis to Estimate the age of Avalone, MPRA Paper No. 91210, posted 3 January 2019 22:37 UTC
2. Heather Gessner and Niaz Murshed Chowdhury and Reid Clary and Abidemi Akinyemi and Michael Moges and Archibold Quaye (2018), The next generation of South Dakota producers, are the operations prepared for the transition of assets and management? MPRA Paper No. 90823, posted 26 December 2018 09:08 UTC.
3. Md Niaz Murshed Chowdhury, Md. Mobarak Hossain (2018) Poverty, Income Inequality and Growth in Bangladesh: Revisited Karl Marx, arXiv:1812.09385 [econ.GN]
4. Md Niaz Murshed Chowdhury, Md. Mobarak Hossain (2018), Population Growth and Economic Development in Bangladesh: Revisited Malthus. MPRA Paper No. 90826, posted 26 December 2018 09:06 UTC.
5. Md. Mobarak Hossain, Md Niaz Murshed Chowdhury, Antoine Augustin Cournot: The Pioneer of Modern Economic Ideas, MPRA Paper No. 90829, posted 31 December 2018 14:30 UTC
Chowdhury, MNM; Investigating to Grassland to Conversion Decisions in the Dakotas, 2015 Producers Survey and Analysis, Gamma Sigma Delta, Agriculture Honor Society, Poster Presentation Competition, South Dakota State University, 2016
1. Entitlement, Missing Market, and Environmental Uncertainty by Daniel W. Bromley
2. Bioeconomic Model for Estimating the Optimal Level of Deer and Tag Sales by Joseph C. Cooper
3. Wildlife Management in terms of Bioeconomic Analysis
4. The Effect of Marginal Tax Rates on Taxable Income: A Panel Study of the 2000 Tax Reform Act in Germany
5. Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations for Tax Compliance: Evidence from a Field Study in Germany by Nadia Dwenger
1. Investigation Grassland to Cropland Conversion Decisions in Dakotas: 2015 Producer Survey and Analysis
2.Farmland Use Decisions and Grassland Conversion in the Dakota’s 2015 Survey and Analysis.
3. Grassland and Cropland Conversion Decisions in Dakota’s: 2015 Survey and Analysis.
1. Comparative Economic Development Bangladesh and Pakistan.
1. The relative effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal policies on output growth in Bangladesh: A co-integration and vector error correction approach
2. Private and public benefits of innovating crop mix systems intended for biofuels produced in eastern South Dakota A Thesis Review.
3. Alternative Method for Selecting Sample Presentations: Probability versus Non-Probability Approach