A. Forest industries:
In general the following major categories of forest product-based industries are found in Bangladesh.
1. Sawmills
2. Manufacture of wood products including furniture
3. Production of hardboards, particleboards, chipboards, etc.
4. Manufacture of pulp, paper, newsprint and paper products
5. Match factories
6. Manufacturing of packaging paper
7. Production of various products from wood, bamboo, cane, patipata14, etc. as handicrafts (cottage industries
Most of the forest product-based industries in Bangladesh used to be owned by the Government through corporations such as BFIDC and Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC). Recently (as of September 2007) the privatization commission is looking for buyers to sell out (Website of Privatization Commission) the following forest product-based industries.
1. Chittagong Board Mills, Chittagong
2. Chittagong Cabinet Manufacturing Unit, Chittagong
3. Chittagong Chemical Complex, Patenga, Chittagong
4. Dhaka Cabinet Manufacturing Unit, Dhaka
5. Eastern Wood Works
6. Fidco Furniture Complex, Chittagong.
7. Karnafuly Rayon & Chemicals Ltd., Kaptai, Rangamati
8. Karnaphuli Timber Extraction Unit
9. Khulna Cabinet Manufacturing Unit, Khulna
10. Khulna Hardboard Mills Ltd., Khulna
11. Khulna Newsprint Mills Ltd., Khulna
12. Lumber Processing Complex
13. North Bengal Paper Mills Ltd., Pakshi, Pabna
14. Particle Board Veneering Plant
15. Sangu Matamuhuri Timber Extraction Unit
16. Sangu Velly Timber Industries
17. Sylhet Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd., Sylhet
18. Wood Treating Unit, Chittagong
19. Wood Treating Unit, Khulna
A. Some environmental issues related to the forestry:
Other environmental issues in Bangladesh that may have some impact on the forestry sector are described below.
11.1 Air pollution
Air pollution is a serious environmental problem in Bangladesh especially in four major cities namely Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, and Rajshahi. The Carbon Monoxide concentration in Dhaka
air is about 11ppm whereas the standard is 9 ppm. Similarly the lead concentration in Dhaka Air is 4.63 ug/m3 ppm whereas the standard is 0.5 -1 ug/m3 ppm. The concentration of Sulfur Dioxide in Dhaka commercial and residential areas is 472.9 ug/m3 and 63.5 ug/m3 respectively, whereas the standard is 40-60 ug/m3. General awareness about air pollution has triggered tree planting by the public in and around their residences. There will be a demand for specialized species that can serve different situations better. This in the future may require the FD to look for or undertake research to identify specialized species of plants that are suitable to meet the context.